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CCS is pleased to introduce a new range of high-quality plug & play flood
lights, designed and manufactured by its subsidiary EFFILUX, which achieves
an innovative advancement in flexible design. This comprehensive range of
flood light includes LED bar light, ring light, brick light, and flat light
with a camera hole.
Thanks to the innovative high-power LED SWIR source developed by EFFILUX, our full range of SWIR lighting solutions can be well adapted to different cameras, overcoming the current limitations of common lighting, taking machine vision inspection to the next level.
With CCS & EFFILUX combined expertise in LEDs & optics and a close collaboration with hyperspectral camera manufacturers, Effilux offers the best solution to fit any specific need.
LED-based structured LED pattern projector retains all the advantages of LEDs compared to laser sources (e.g. pattern uniformity and sharpness, eye safety, lifetime issues).
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1 - 8 of 8 items Items per page: